
Hi, I'm Kellee.

Thanks for visiting my corner of the internet. You may have a few questions, and I may just have the answers!

Why this business?

After working traditional jobs for many years, I was feeling unsatisfied with the standard 8-5. I did some deep soul searching and realized that it wasn’t the actual work that left me unfulfilled, it was that my job and schedule weren’t allowing me to live in alignment with my core values. I enjoyed the organizing, streamlining and strategizing, and the ability to work on many different projects, but I felt like I could do more good in the world by supporting traditionally underrepresented (or at least underappreciated) business owners.

Why do you need me?

I am a rockstar at systems strategy and integration, which I know are not everyone’s cup of tea. We all do our best work when we’re in our element, and having to do tasks that we hate knocks us out of our groove. That’s where I come in. If I can help you run your business more efficiently, you can spend more of your time being a rockstar in YOUR way, using your time in the way that is best for you and your business.

Imagine if you could run your business instead of letting it run you. If you could move the operations of your business out of your head and into a comprehensive system. If you can stay in your sweet spot, you can amplify your impact on the world. Nothing makes me happier than streamlining systems so that we can all work smarter instead of harder.

Who am I?

I am a lover of mountains, learning, trees, and twinkle lights. Mama to a brilliant little man. Reader of all the things. I want to change (at least) one person’s life for the better.